Το διήμερο διεθνές συνέδριο


ECDM Expo NORTH Conference

Στο διεθνές διήμερο συνέδριο της ECDM Expo NORTH, αναπτύσσονται όλα τα σημαντικά θέματα και οι τάσεις που αφορούν στο "οικοσύστημα" του Ηλεκτρονικού Εμπορίου στις βασικές θεματικές του ενότητες, τις πλατφόρμες, το ψηφιακό μάρκετινγκ, τις ηλεκτρονικές πληρωμές, τις ταχυμεταφορές και φυσικά, το ισχυρότερο trend διεθνώς, τα marketplaces.

Κορυφαίοι ομιλητές από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό, μεταδίδουν τις γνώσεις τους και παρουσιάζουν στο κοινό επιτυχημένα project, για την επόμενη μέρα στο χώρο του Ηλεκτρονικού Επιχειρείν.

Θεματικοί πυλώνες συνεδρίου

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eCommerce Trends & Experience

Ποια είναι η καλύτερη πλατφόρμα για τις ανάγκες της εκάστοτε επιχείρησης και ποια είναι η πιο κατάλληλη για τα marketplaces;

♦  Customer Experience & Loyalty
♦  Cross-Border & International Growth
♦  Web 3.0, Decentralize, Metaverse
♦  Social Commerce

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Digital Marketing & the Customer

Oι κατάλληλες στρατηγικές μάρκετιγκ για την εκάστοτε επιχείρηση, οι διαθέσιμες διαφημιστικές πλατφόρμες και η εποχή του social e-commerce.

♦  Data, Content, Personalization
♦  Social Media & Community Marketing
♦  Omnichannel and Marketing Automation
♦  Cookieless Targeting era

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Logistics & the Last Mile

Οι νέες υπηρεσίες παράδοσης και παραλαβής εμπορευμάτων, οι έξυπνοι aggregators, το καθοριστικό "last mile" που κάνει τη διαφορά.

♦  Storage & Logistics
♦  The Last Mile Experience
♦  International shipping
♦  Smart lockers
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e-Commerce & Payments Trends

Τα νέα δεδομένα στις ηλεκτρονικές πληρωμές. Οι πάροχοι, οι "εναλλακτικοί" πάροχοι και οι βέλτιστες λύσεις για τους εμπόρους.

♦  Payment models and the BNPL
♦  Alternative payment methods & Services
♦  Checkout Optimizations
♦  Mobile Payments & Devices

Διήμερο συνέδριο για το Ηλεκτρονικό Εμπόριο & την Ψηφιακή Διαφήμιση


Υπουργός Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης

Δημήτρης Παπαστεργίου


Μερικοί από τους ομιλητές τού 2024

Vlad Florin Vita

Vlad Florin Vita

Ecommerce Europe


Public Affairs Advisor

Ruben van Eijk

Meta-logoHead of Creative Shop, CEE

Ruben van Eijk

Marily Mitropoulou

Marily Mitropoulou


Google-logoSenior Marketing Leader

Kamil Tavas

Kamil Tavas


Google-logoSales and Operation Lead, Northern Europe & Emerging Markets

Jon Mowat

Hurricane Media 

Hurricane-logoManaging Director

Jon Mowat

Fotis Antonopoulos

Fotis Antonopoulos

eCommerce and Growth Advisor

Zbigniew Nowicki

Full Stack Experts


Partner, Microsoft Advertising Channel

Zbigniew Nowicki

Kristina Matic

Kristina Matic

eCommerce Hrvatska


Vice President

Cristi Movila




Cristi Movila

Muhammed Emin Imer


hepsiInternational Expansion General Manager

Muhammed Emin Imer

Daniel Trost

Microsoft Advertising


Channel Partner Sales Director MEA & CEE

Jason Kataropoulos


Chief Commercial Officer

Jason Kataropoulos

Alexandros Zoukos

Alexandros Zoukos

Saracakis group of companies


Business Integration and Performance Manager

Panagiotis Alefragis

The Newtons Laboratory


Head of Digital

Panagiotis Alefragis

Ivo Todorov

Ivo Todorov

Member of Board, BEA


Marketing Director, Sport Depot

Nikos Syrios

Nikos Syrios

Rakuten Viber


Advertising Sales Manager, CEE

Marina Vasilara

Secretary General, GR.EC.A


Global Communication & Ecommerce Director, APIVITA SA

Marina Vasilara

Lyubomir Atanasov

Lyubomir Atanasov

Managing Partner and founder, SEOMAX


Chairman, EURODEA

Penny Kontogeorgou

Zoulovits – Kontogeorgou Law Firm


Partner, eCommerce & Digital Transformation Legal Expert

Penny Kontogeorgou

Vasilis Davilas

Vasilis Davilas



Business Development & Sales Manager

Vlad Marincas



CEO & Co-founder

Vlad Marincas

Raluca Radu

Country Manager, ANSWEAR.ro


Founder, MTH Digital

Conference Agenda

Day 1 - February 17

Session 1 - 12:00-14:00

Dimitris Papastergiou, Minister of Digital Governance, Hellenic Republic


Dimitris Papastergiou, Minister of Digital Governance, Hellenic Republic

Marina Vasilara, Secretary General, GR.EC.A - Global Communication & Ecommerce Director, APIVITA SA


Muhammed Emin Imer, International Expansion General Manager, HepsiGlobal


Muhammed Emin Imer, International Expansion General Manager, HepsiGlobal

Daniel Trost, Channel Partner Sales Director MEA & CEE, Microsoft Advertising

trostThe unleashed power of Microsoft Advertising Full stack - from the network’s perspective

Zbigniew Nowicki, Partner in Full Stack Experts, Microsoft Advertising Channel Partner

nowickiThe unleashed power of Microsoft Advertising Full stack - from the partner’s perspective

Zbigniew Nowicki, Partner in Full Stack Experts, Microsoft Advertising Channel Partner

Jon Mowat, Managing Director, Hurricane Media

mowatTik Tok: The unavoidable future of marketing?

Moderator: Yannis Rizopoulos


Coffee Break

Day 1 - Session 2 - 16:00-18:00

Ruben van Eijk, Head of Creative Shop CEE, Meta


Ruben van Eijk, Head of Creative Shop CEE, Meta

Lyubomir Atanasov, Managing Partner and Founder, SEOMAX - Chairman, EURODEA

atanasovThe working e-commerce and digital marketing practices in the Bulgarian market

Fotis Antonopoulos, eCommerce and Growth Advisor

antonopoulosCan we affect consumer behaviour? If yes, how?

Fotis Antonopoulos, eCommerce and Growth Advisor

Vlad Florin Vita, Public Affairs Advisor, Ecommerce Europe

florinEnsuring the Prosperity of Digital Commerce

Jason Kataropoulos, Chief Commercial Officer, ATCOM

kataropoulosThe Spend More – Invest Less Syndrome

Jason Kataropoulos, Chief Commercial Officer, ATCOM

Kamil Tavas, Sales and Operation Lead, Northern Europe & Emerging Markets, Google

tavasAI driven Measurement and Marketing

Moderator: Dimitris Mallas


End of day 1

Day 2 - February 18

Session 1 - 12:00-14:00

Marily Mitropoulou, Senior Marketing Leader, Google

mitropoulouThink Retail: Harness the power of AI to stay ahead of shopper trends

Marily Mitropoulou, Senior Marketing Leader, Google

Ivo Todorov, Member of Board, BEA - Marketing Director, Sport Depot

todorovBulgarian E-commerce Market. Opportunities and challenges for e-commerce in Bulgaria

Kristina Matic, Vice president, eCommerce Hrvatska

maticCroatian eCommerce Landscape: Customer Habits and eCommerce Practices

Kristina Matic, Vice president, eCommerce Hrvatska

Vasilis Davilas, Business Development & Sales Manager, Qualco

vdavilasProfessional micrologistics services powered by QUALCO

Vlad Marincas, CEO & Co-Founder, Aqurate

marincasPersonalization in eCommerce - what we can learn from Google, Netflix, Amazon and Facebook

Vlad Marincas, CEO & Co-Founder, Aqurate

Penny Kontogeorgou, Partner, Zoulovits - Kontogeorgou Law Firm

kontogeorgouNavigating the Unknowns in eCommerce Legal Issues: Did you know…?

Moderator: Yannis Rizopoulos


Coffee Break

Day 2 - Session 2 - 16:00-18:00

Nikos Syrios, Advertising Sales Manager, CEE, Rakuten Viber

syriosMessaging marketing: Buzzword or gamechanger?

Nikos Syrios, Advertising Sales Manager, CEE, Rakuten Viber

Raluca Radu, Country Manager, ANSWEAR.ro - Founder, MTH Digital

raduMulti-channel Digital Marketing Strategy for eCommerce

Cristi Movila, President, ARMO

movilaeCommerce and AI - A Marriage Made in Heaven

Cristi Movila, President, ARMO

Alexandros Zoukos, Business Integration and Performance Manager, Saracakis group of companies

zoukosRevolutionizing Marketing Strategies: The Power of AI in Customer Segmentation and Data Management

Panagiotis Alefragis, Head of Digital, The Newtons Laboratory

alefragisBrandformance: Uniting Brand and Performance Marketing Strategies

Panagiotis Alefragis, Head of Digital, The Newtons Laboratory

Moderator: Dimitris Mallas


End of the Conference

Σε ποιους απευθύνεται το συνέδριο

eCommerce Executives

Business Owners



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17 & 18 Φευρουαρίου 2024
Βελλίδειο Συνεδρικά Κέντρο